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Stand up 4 Migrants

When migrants are portrayed in a negative light, their human rights are heavily impacted. They are discriminated, excluded and dehumanised. Communities also become divided. How we speak about migrants and migration – the narrative – therefore plays a…


Migration Reporting

WACC resources for reporting on migration and refugee issues.


Emily Kenway on The Truth About Modern Slavery (Voices)

In this episode of Voices, Emily Kenway talks to Neill Wilkins about her book, ‘The Truth About Modern Slavery’ which describes patterns of exploitation for workers and also challenges some of the assumptions and frames of reference we use to describe and…


Lara White on Migrant Worker Recruitment

Lara White is the Senior Labour Migration Specialist at the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) in Geneva, Switzerland. Here Lara talks with IHRB's Neill Wilkins about the international recruitment of migrant workers, the challenges they face in…


Vani Saraswathi on Migrant Domestic Workers

In this conversation, Vani Saraswathi of tells IHRB's Salil Tripathi why companies should be actively engaged with the workers' conditions, even if they are not their direct employers, and why they should take the responsibility…


How the media contributed to the migrant crisis

Disaster reporting plays to set ideas about people from ‘over there’. The Guardian


Labour Migration Reporting Ep 3: Experiences of women who migrate for work

This podcast series looks at labour migration in Africa and focuses on how women experience it on different levels. It highlights how African women experience labour migrations locally, regionally and internationally; featuring expert analysis and tips for…


Labour Migration Reporting Ep 1: Contextualising labour migration on the continent” (African Women in the Media)

This podcast series looks at labour migration in Africa, and focuses on how women experience it on different levels.


Migrant Rights and Your Rights

In this episode, our podcast host Tolu Olubunmi shares some of her personal story as a Dreamer and a migrant. Born in Nigeria, Tolu came to The United States when she was a young teenager. "Along the way I had lost my immigration status and had become…


Making domestic work decent work in South Africa

South African domestic worker Florence Sosiba shares her experience representing the rights of domestic workers in her country. ILO Podcast.


Podcast : “Reporting Migration” (by Freelancing for Journalists)

In this podcast, Freelancing for Journalists speaks to two experts about reporting migration, a topic that raises a number of ethical issues for journalists to confront. Caitlin Chandler, a journalist covering migration, security and human rights and Georg…


Human Trafficking in the Middle East

This video is produced by the ILO project "Improving Labour Migration Governance and Combating Human Trafficking in the Middle East" to give more information about the labour migration and human trafficking.


The ILO General Principles for Fair Recruitment (short version)

To tackle abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices, the ILO has developed general principles and operational guidelines for fair recruitment of migrant labour. These guidelines help inform the work of the ILO, other organisations, national…


Building bridges: How can Media, Trade Unions and Civil Society work together?

Journalists, NGOs and trade unions help promote and protect migrant workers’ rights.


Why is reporting fairly on migration so important? ILO

Millions move to Middle East in search for decent work. Media reporting on labour migration plays a critical role in how we view migrant workers.


IOM’s Glossary on Migration

Effective cooperation among relevant actors is probably more important in the migration field than in any other policy areas. Not only do States sometimes speak different languages when dealing with migration, but also actors within the same State often…


Media coverage on migration: A practical guide for journalists

This guide aims to help journalists and media professionals in covering migration. The current context must provide an opportunity for in-depth discussion and introspection on the role and responsibilities of journalists and media professionals. Media…


Media-friendly glossary on migration – Middle East Edition

Patterns of international migration continue to grow, diversify and evolve. Questions of migration, citizenship and border control feature heavily in political debates across the world. At the international level, the United Nations has decided to adopt…


Five Point Guide For Migration Reporting

In this video, you will learn about the Ethical Journalism Network's guidelines for migration reporting. The Chair of the EJN's board of trustees, Dorothy Byrne introduces the guidelines and explains why covering migration in an ethical way is so important.…


Media-friendly glossary on migration: Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition

Safe and Fair saw a need for commonly used and technical terms related to women’s migration and violence against women to be defined for media, as well as wider use.


Media guidelines for reporting on gender-based violence in humanitarian contexts

These guidelines are intended to ensure that all actors who play a role in facilitating or engaging in media reporting on GBV are aware of and able to prioritize the ethical and safety considerations that preserve the safety, confidentiality and dignity of…


Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration” (ILO)

This glossary is adapted from the Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration developed by the ILO and the UNAOC, under joint copyright.


Story-based Inquiry: A Manual for Investigative Journalists (UNESCO)

This manual provides a guide to basic methods and techniques of investigative journalism, and it consciously fills a gap in the literature of the profession.