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Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour - Madagascar Edition

Le Glossaire sur la migration destiné aux médias à Madagascar sert de guide aux journalistes, chercheurs, formateurs et autres acteurs malgaches qui écrivent sur la migration de main d’œuvre, notamment dans le contexte du recrutement des travailleurs…


Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour - Viet Nam Edition

The Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration Fair Recruitment and Forced Labour - Viet Nam Edition serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, trainers and other actors in Viet Nam who write about labour migration, especially in the context of recruitment…


IOM’s Glossary on Migration

Effective cooperation among relevant actors is probably more important in the migration field than in any other policy areas. Not only do States sometimes speak different languages when dealing with migration, but also actors within the same State often…


Media-friendly glossary on migration – Middle East Edition

Patterns of international migration continue to grow, diversify and evolve. Questions of migration, citizenship and border control feature heavily in political debates across the world. At the international level, the United Nations has decided to adopt…


Media-friendly glossary on migration: Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition

Safe and Fair saw a need for commonly used and technical terms related to women’s migration and violence against women to be defined for media, as well as wider use.


Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration” (ILO)

This glossary is adapted from the Media-Friendly Glossary on Migration developed by the ILO and the UNAOC, under joint copyright.